
3+1 德國 FH Aachen-Faculty of Business Studies

3+1 Joint Dual Degree with FH Aachen

After three years studying in NDHU, MSF students can apply for studying in FH Aachen, University of Applied Science in Germany in the forth year. In order to fulfill the graduation standard of NDHU, students can bring the credits from FH Aachen back to NDHU to waive NDHU credits after completing related courses and a bachelor thesis, and get double bachelor degree from NDHU and FH Aachen.



1. No tuition fee for each semester in FH Aachen, only need to pay NDHU tuition fee.

2. Get Double Bachelor Degree in 4 years(NDHU 3 years + FH Aachen 1 year)


💡Application Information

Quota for every year:3 students(including MSF & FIN)

Time:From March 1st to March 14th every year


  • Junior or above bachelor students
  • Language Exam:Over CEFR B2(IELTS 5.5/TOEIC(R&L) 785/TOEFL iBT 72..etc.)
  • GPA 3.0 or above(Maximum is 4.5 in NDHU)
  • Top 40% of the class


💡Requirements(English Version)

  • Autobiography
  • Motivation Letter
  • Full Academic Transcript
  • Language Exam Certificate/Transcript
  • Additional Supporting Documents


💡Course Layout

1. Students have to earn at least 98 Credits from NDHU from freshman to junior, and meet other graduation requirements of MSF.

2. Requirements will be all the required courses taken in Dept. and GC. Also the English Proficiency Test, Fitness Test, and the Interdisciplinary hours.

3. Students will have to take at least 60 ECTS in FH Aachen, the courses are listed below.

(One ECTS credit is one half of one NDHU credit, and can be rounded to the nearest whole number.(EX:5 ECTS => 2.5 credits => 3 credits))

FH Aachen應修習課程

※All the information above are referred to the MOU between NDHU MSF and FH Aachen.


💡Thesis Supervision

1. Students have to complete a bachelor thesis

2. The final project supervision will be carried out by lecturers or professors from FH Aachen.


💡Other Information

1. The semester will start from Sep. 1, FH Aachen offers German-taught intensive courses in the beginning of Sep., and the English-taught normal courses will start in the end of Sep.

2. Living expenses(includes accommodation fee) are about €900/month.

3. Every students must pay a student activity fee(or semester fee), which is currently at €330/semester(as of April 2023).

4. All applicants and students must prove to the university at the time of enrollment that they are insured in a statutory health insurance. Students without valid health insurance need to take out general health insurance from a German insurance company prior to student registration. All German health insurance providers charge the same fees. Normally the cost for this insurance amounts to about 100€/month.


💡Related Link

1. FH  Aachen Website:https://www.fh-aachen.de/en/

2. Incoming Students - Business:https://www.fh-aachen.de/fachbereiche/wirtschaft/international/incoming-students-business

3. Student Support Service:https://www.fh-aachen.de/fachbereiche/wirtschaft/internationales/incoming-students/student-support-service


與德國FH Aachen-Faculty of Business Studies簽訂之3+1雙聯學位


本學程學生於東華修業滿3年後,可申請第4年至德國FH Aachen, University of Applied Science就讀,在完成德國相關課程及學士論文後,將德國修習之學分帶回抵免或採認為東華學分,以滿足東華之畢業標準,即可於大學四年同時取得東華及德國FH Aachen兩校之學士學位。


💡申請FH Aachen雙聯學位優點

1. 只需負擔東華大學學費,毋須支付德國學費。

2. 四年內可取得雙學士學位(東華3年+德國1年)






1. 本校管財班或財金系3年級以上學生

2. 已取得歐洲語言能力指標B2以上的英文檢定成績(雅思5.5分、托福iBT72分或多益785分)

3. GPA達3.0以上 (東華GPA最高4.5)

4. 班排名40%以內



1. 英文自傳

2. 英文申請動機

3. 英文歷年成績單

4. 雅思成績單

5. 其他有利申請資料(例:英文研究計畫)



1. 大一至大三需修習至少98學分(含系上畢業所需學程、必選修學分)

2. 完成通識必修課程、語言必修課程、體育課程及跨域自主學習時數等規定

3. 於FH Aachen至少需修習60歐洲學分(ECTS),取得之歐洲學分以二分之一計算,取整數(四捨五入),例如:5ECTS=2.5學分=3學分)


FH Aachen應修習課程

※以上資料提供參考最終版本請依照本系與德國FH Aachen簽訂之雙聯學位為主



於德國FH Aachen就讀時須完成學士論文,此論文將由FH Aachen教授指導



1. 學年為9月1日開始,提供免費密集德語課程,9月底開始一般課程(英語授課)

2. 每個月總生活費(含住宿)約900歐元

3. 每學期學生活動費330歐元 (資料來源時間:2023年4月)

4. 入學註冊前,必須有符合的醫療保險。如未在臺灣購買符合的海外醫療保險,於德國購買醫療保險費約100歐元/月


💡FH Aachen相關網站


